Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 11 / City Tour / August 21, 2011 (Sunday)

I can't believe that a week ago today we walked into this hotel all excited knowing that we would receive our daughter the following day.  Time has gone fast!  Katie has kept us very busy!

Last night, I had bad dreams all night.  I kept dreaming that I had missed or overlooked some paperwork.  All night, I was trying to find my missing paperwork. If I did not find the paperwork, I would not get to bring Katie home. I was so upset this morning that I got up and again looked through my piles & notebooks of paperwork.  I also asked another lady in our group if I overlooked anything.  We are good!  I think it is just 6 years of stressing over the paperwork and then having to do everything yesterday for the US Consulate.  The good news is that Jason made it very easy.  I guess he made it too easy because I was worried that I overlooked something.  I will be so happy & relieved to have the paperwork behind us!

This morning, we all met in the lobby at 9:15.  The group today was much larger because all the original families that met us in Hong Kong were present. In Hong Kong, families went to all different areas to get their children.  Katie was from the Guangdong province so we have been in Guangzhou the whole time.  Everyone ends up in Guangzhou in the end because that is where the US Consulate is located.

We saw a Buddhist Temple.  Then, we went to the Old Chen House.  It is an art museum and very beautiful. The embroidery work was magnificent along with the ivory carvings.  It was amazing. I also bought Katie a beautiful hand painted glass bottle and the artist wrote her name on the inside of the bottle.  I love it!!!  It is amazing that they can take a tiny little paint brush and paint on the inside of the bottle.  He wrote Katelyn's name on the inside perfectly.

Then, we went to the Provincial Arts & Crafts shopping center.  They had beautiful things for very good prices. I loved the shopping!

Today, Katie has been all smiles and laughter. We should have had her picture taken today.  :)  She has been an absolute joy! 

Tonight, our group is walking to a Cantonese restaurant for dinner.  Currently, Katie & Daniel are both napping.  The weather is hot & humid much like TN.  Even a couple of hours in it are difficult but we have so little time, we are trying to do and see as much as we can while we are here.  We want to tell Katie a much as possible about China.

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